Business Divorce Valuation

Business Divorce Valuation

Business Divorce Valuation

Establish the true value of your business

By establishing the true value of your business, we can help increase your personal wealth and ensure you can afford the lifestyle you want now and into the future.

Business Divorce
Business Divorce

The Sky's The Limit

Client focused & caring approach

We love to solve problems. We offer the best quality advice by lawyers with the highest ethical standards. We’re there with you when you need someone on your side.

easy process

How it works in practice

We work with innovative methodologies to ensure that the entire reformatting process is done from start to finish as planned.

01. Audit & Assurance

The purpose of this is to establish the reason for the valuation and to advise the client of the most appropriate approach and methods required to achieve the best results.

02. Business Investigation

An understanding of the business is attained through a thorough inspection of: the business, the relevant documents and data gathered from the owners and key staff (where applicable).

03. Analysing Data Collected

Establish the level of profitability and observe internal/external influences & levels of risk associated with the business.

04. Determine Value

Based on all financial and operational information collected, and utilising several appropriate valuation methods, an opinion of the business value is established.

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Business Divorce